LCAbyg 2023 is fully available in English, including the user manual and the construction and product library.
It is recommended that you read the user manual before you start modeling in LCAbyg 2023.
As there are ongoing updates of LCAbyg 2023, you should download the latest version of LCAbyg and the user manual.
It is also recommended to watch LCAbyg's YouTube channel, with short introductory videos for LCAbyg 5.
Introducing videos can be found here:
It is recommended that you read the user manual before you start modeling in LCAbyg 5. The guide is only available in Danish, but we are working on the English version.
As there are ongoing updates of LCAbyg 5, you should download the latest version of LCAbyg and the user manual. LCAbyg is currently only available in Danish, but we will soon release the English version.
It is also recommended to watch LCAbyg's YouTube channel, with short introductory videos for LCAbyg 5.
Introducing videos can be found here:
LCAbyg 5 is prepared according to the voluntary sustainability class. Therefore, LCAbyg 5 can be used to meet the requirement for LCA in this scheme. All types of construction, regardless of size, new construction, or renovation, can be included in the voluntary sustainability class.
Webinars on the Voluntary Sustainability Class can be found here:
LCAbyg offers several options for collecting and using environmental data. In addition to the integrated generic database Ökobaudat, it is possible to obtain environmental product declarations (EPDs).
Danish industry- and product-specific EPDs can be downloaded from EPD Denmark and obtained in LCAbyg 5 (see the user guide for further information). In addition, you can create your own EPDs either directly in LCAbyg 5 or via the json format
You can find various webinars here:
LCAbyg 5 can be used to prepare indicator 2. LCA results concerning reference values and 3.1 Climate bonus in criterion ENV1.1 in the DGNB 2020 manual.
It is also possible to document indicator 3.2 Climate bonus, as LCAbyg 5 enables the calculation of phases A4 and A5 according to the voluntary sustainability class.
You can find various webinars here: