With LCAbyg you can calculate a building's environmental profile and resource consumption.
You enter information about the building parts and possibly the building's energy consumption. The tool automatically takes care of the LCA calculations and collects the results in selected figures and a report.
The impacts are calculated over the entire life cycle of the building and therefore include the procurement of raw materials, production of building materials, energy and resource consumption during operation and maintenance, and disposal and possible recycling of building parts and building materials.
You can get an overview of your LCA environmental profile under the menu "Analysis and Report".
There are different types of bar plots showing hotspots in your LCA analyse. Accumulated visualizations can be seen for phases and building components.
It is also possible to compare your results with a BR reference and an FCO2 reference.
We have made it easier to create and renovate existing buildings in LCAbyg.
In the new simplified entry, the user must enter six parameters to generate an entire building model with existing generic constructions for multi-story residential buildings from 1850-1920. Then you can add renovation measures and compare solutions in the new scenario function.
Generic constructions have thus been added to LCAbyg 5.2 in the form of:
- Existing buildings from the period 1850-1920
- Renovation measures
Have you ever wished you had the opportunity to simultaneously model more than one scenario of your building model?
You can do that now. By simply activating the scenario function in LCAbyg 5, you have the opportunity to build more scenarios for your construction and then choose the most climate-friendly solutions. Use the scenario function to, for example, make comparisons at the component level or renovation scenarios.